... the tales of two sisters

Dana lives in Seattle, and Tracie lives in Germany. We are businesswomen, writers and humorists. We write about life, dating, and today's modern women.

Love Is Theresa! Happy 91st Mama!

The year was 1956, and my father was playing with his band, The Gerald Frank Trio, at the local Elks Club. There was a competition for the title of Ms. Bronze. The last contestant, running late from her work as a dietician assistant at Providence Hosptial rushed the stage, and pulled off her winter coat to reveal her fabulous figure in her one-piece swimsuit. The competition was immediately declared over as today’s birthday girl took the crown and my father’s heart. My father’s bandmate wrote a song called; Love is Theresa. Mama is indeed love and today as we celebrate her 91st year, I want to share some of her sage wisdom, advise, and lifestyle choices which makes her so loved, timeless and cherished.

*Get Up and Get On It! Mama has never allowed her age to hinder fer from having something to do daily. You will never find the grandma lying in bed watching Soaps or Game Shows. Mama is still an active participant in our family rental business.

*Keep Informed- Mama is my CNN and World News Tonight- You can discuss the daily world concerns with her as she reads the paper front to back and tunes in to the National News every day. Occasionally, she will humor me and we will watch Love After Lockup together. Her response is that it’s an hour of her life she can never get back.

*Reading is Fun- Nightly Mama’s Kindle becomes her best friend as she indulges in her favorite fiction. Danielle Steele is one of her favorites and she discusses the characters and plots with me as if they are non-fiction.

*A Model Life- As a former Runway and Print Model, Mama knows how to keep it together! She will not go out of the house without her face, hair and attire together- PERIOD. One snowy winter, I convinced her to take a walk with me sans her perfection. With a rain bonnet covering her sponge rollers, I persuaded her into Walgreens to grab an item as the snow flurries increased in dimension and size. As we made our way to the checkout, a woman approached us and squealed loudly, ‘Theresa Frank is that you?’ ‘Not today! Mama replied and kept stepping out of the store.

*Blondes Do Have More Fun- Mama has been on her blonde ambition tour for sixty plus years. Only she and her hairdresser, LaShaun know how to work that perfect tint.

* Funny- Mama’s sense of humor and honesty are always on point. Let’s just say Betty White didn’t have nothing on my Mama. I will not post some of her Mamaisms as I wish to continue to reside with her- but trust me, she’s hilarious!

*When in Doubt Wear White- Mama’s signature color is WHITE. She has worn it timelessly for 90 years. Growing up, we had a white room (we still do). But in the 1970s, the carpet was shag white, the walls pristine white, the wrap around leather bar was white, and Daddy created white fur bar stools to match the white fur couch and Mama topped it off with a white fur full length skirt. Her white Cadillac with its white wall tires which Mama swore had an early GPS system awaited her.

*Cook - The girl can throw down in the kitchen. Be it her soulful Thanksgiving meals with her stuffing made from scratch, homemade Mac n Cheese or her prized Russian tea cookies at Christmas, everyone is always begging for more. She cooks without a recipe book and whenever I ask for the ingredients, she just says it’s that Mama touch.

*Sister Mary Sanitary- Cleanliness is next to holiness. If I walk in an area of her home, she can tell by my footprints on the vacuum marks that I was there.

*Stay Positive and Optimistic- Mama’s faith and belief that all will be fine are a constant fuel and foundation for our family.

*Be Real- Mama’s nickname is Tutu and she’s too too much. She doesn’t suffer fools and she has taught my sister and me that Common Sense ain’t so Common any more. Do right by people and require they do the same. Mama loves fiercely- ask her siblings who call and check in multiple times a day. Daily she reminds us all, ‘I won’t ever tell you wrong.’ And that is a promise we can take to the bank, because we all know- Love is Theresa!

Then and Now- We love you, Mama!