... the tales of two sisters

Dana lives in Seattle, and Tracie lives in Germany. We are businesswomen, writers and humorists. We write about life, dating, and today's modern women.

Alice in Tumbleland Spotlight on Kristi Wallace

It seems like just yesterday, we were posing for this photograph. My talented friends, we were true contenders performing our acrobatic back flips, striking a pose on the narrow balance beams, and adding chalk to our blistered hands after hours on the high bars. Under Ms. Smith’s disciplined, determined direction, each day after school, we spent hours twisting, contorting, spinning, jumping, and flying high. Our talents took us on the road, from Chicago to Canada. Zelda, Danna, Rochelle, Martha, Denise, Tanya, Venice, Elizabeth and more, we all had dreams just as the fairy tale we performed Alice in Tumbleland at the Spokane Expo 74. Can you see me? I was a Madhatter.

When I received a Facebook message from one of my tumble mates, I felt like I was really in Wonderland which tells of a girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic. Just as Kristi’s tale plays with my logic. How could this vibrant, talented soul been on a journey of pain, challenge, and triumph? Flip, flop, O.K. after all, we are Menopausebarbees now… but in my mind’s eye… yesterday, our bodies were scoring a perfect 10.
Please read Kristi’s story and let’s turn the illogical into logical and support her and her amazing journey…Flip, Flop, let’s land a perfect 10 against lupus.

alice in tumbleland