Dana lives in Seattle, and Tracie lives in Germany. We are businesswomen, writers and humorists. We write about life, dating, and today's modern women.
Standing in the Menopausebarbee Monday Spotlight today are the thousands of women suffering in the nightmare of the European migrant crisis.
These refugee women are schlepping their babies and everything they own on their backs to get to a place of security and shelter, some of them dying along the way.
As we’ve all seen during the past few days, the flow of people risking dangerous journeys on flimsy boats across the Mediterranean into uncertain futures, the corpses of babies being washed up on shores and baton-wielding police on Balkan borders, is horrifying indeed.
Let us pray that those remaining on their journey will continue to have the courage, the strength and the stamina to reach destinations of peace and be able to one day, one day very soon, look into the eyes of their children without shedding anymore tears.
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