... the tales of two sisters

Dana lives in Seattle, and Tracie lives in Germany. We are businesswomen, writers and humorists. We write about life, dating, and today's modern women.

Do No Evil

The evils of horror.

That was a good post yesterday Dani. I didn’t get chance to read it until almost midnight last night after my very busy day. To cap off my evening, Amy Antin (menopausebarbee spotlight: ( held her annual wonderful, wonderful charity concert to raise money for the children of Cambodia. The musicians and singer/songwriters all donated their time and talent for this great cause, so as you can imagine, I was feeling pretty damn good when I left the show for home.

And this morning I woke up still feeling pretty good til I walked into my office and mentally began to prepare myself for my daily. As I sipped my coffee and looked around my office before I got online with the news, I slowly went from feeling groovy to feeling pissed. Being swamped with the paperwork details of this damn divorce, really digs deep in my craw. Deep. I don’t wish this shit on anybody-but get through it I will. Do you hear me my soon to be i can’t wait til the day comes and just what the hell was i thinking when i married you anyway almost ex?

Just thinking he may be reading this makes me feel better. Not groovy, but better.

And then I go online. And I’ll be damn. It seems I just can’t get a break.

Let us now eat cake and laugh around the horror of female mutilation. The performance artist in this video can surely find a gig that would better represent his industry. And the Swedish Culture Minister appears to have lost her mind.

Take a look at this video. What is happening is wrong on all fronts. Can you all believe this? I mean, really?

You know, to some of us, like Amy and Fredda, blessings will flow. I believe this is a law of nature.

And for others there will be hell to pay.