Happy Campers
Sleeping bag, water bottle, flashlight, layered clothes, sack lunch, pillow, rain slicker, snugly soft animal- all checked! Camp , here she comes.! My ten year old daughter, Taryn left for her school's annual 5th grade Camp yesterday. This is a signature defining moment for the kids at her school - 4 days away from their families- no cell phones, and no parental contact! As we packed Taryn for this journey, her dad, grandma, brother and I all wrote love notes and snuck them into her duffle bag. Just thoughts to tell her how we would miss her presence this week. We would miss the laughter that she fills our house with, the hogging of the t.v, the I Pad, the crashing in our bed, demanding majority time at dinner conversation and all the menacing things a ten year old can do to get on your nerves daily, but you miss desperately when they are gone.
Taryn has always been an independent spirit. While some suffer from separation anxiety, Taryn embraces every new experience. I really believe she will fair well this week. She has the gift of making the best out of even difficult situations. I'm sure she will be a Happy Camper.
During my son's same trip to Camp 8 years ago, on arrival, one of his friends broke down outside the mess hall. I'll call him, Leo. Fits of crying and rage were not comforted by the teachers and parent chaperons. Leo was miserable all week. He sulked, did not participate in camp fire games, talent shows or the rock climbing challenge. I am pleased to report that he stuck it out. He really had no choice. Years later, we have laughed with Leo about his behavior. He has grown into an extremely confident, independent, talented young man who is now well adjusted and enjoying life.
But as I dropped my daughter off, I thought back 8 years ago about Leo. I looked at the 70 plus some kids and thought- who would melt-down? Like Leo, we all go through the changes in life -puberty to young adult hood like middle age to menopause. These changes may be at times, exhausting, hard work, and scary. We can fight it, but at the end change is gonna come. Like Leo, we really don't have a choice!
So, Tylenol pm, Ambien, Celexa, exercise, hot java, enjoy friends, have a glass of wine, go for a walk- check, check check them all off and find a way to embrace even the most difficult challenges! Remember to Live, Laugh and Love Everyday and you too will be a Happy Camper!
Funny how we can't always seem to get there without the adult treats, or even better said treatments! My niece will no doubt have a wonderful time. Go Maedchen!!
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